A DA 42 training aircraft crash occurred today in , causing the death of two pilots, as announced by the Royal Air Force . The accident occurred at the Bensliman Air Force Base in Morocco, about 60 km east of Casablanca, resulting in the death of a Air Force Colonel and a trainee pilot. The two-engine aircraft performed an educational flight when it crashed under unclear conditions. The officers were on a training and qualification mission when the crash occurred. A committee of inquiry has been set up to verify the causes of the crash, noted in the communication. In the announcement of the Royal Air Force (FAR) of Morocco it is stressed that a special committee has been set up to undertake the verification of the causes of the accident. FAR expressed its warm condolences and solidarity to the families and relatives of the deceased. الان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان مرير ان ير سرين الينم انم انمير 21 ارير 2024 الار الان الين الن اان ان ان ان ان ان سرير ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ان ن س س ان انن ان ان ان س س س س س س ان س س س س س س س س س س س س س س س س س س س , , , , ار , ا الن الان الن ان ان الل اللين ليل ملال الان منان من الان الان االين الين الين انين. FAR had not yet revealed the names of the dead. However, local reports identified the victims as Colonel Mohamed Mokhtari and Commander Fathi Omar. DA 42 is a dual-engine light aircraft manufactured by the Austrian-based Diamond Aircraft Industries company. It is mainly used for flight training, navigation and general aviation purposes. A similar incident occurred in 2019 when two FAR members died due to a helicopter crash in the Tihla region. Victims then, were the pilot and a lieutenant engineer.
Morocco: Two Dead Pilots From Royal Air Force Aircraft Crash · Global Voices
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