More productive and positive employees who have a sense of humor

All the experts agree that laughter helps us to prolong our lives, to the…
make it more pleasant, to combat anxiety and stress, to perform better in our work, but also to deal with more easily our problems.
The humor and the good mood they give to our body and in our body the power to cope with all the negative effects that accept daily. It offers us energy and helps us to build better and more solid relationships with the people around us.
Scientists in the US in research that they found that the greatest proportion of dismissals that are due to bad relationships among colleagues. In particular, they observed that only 15% of the redundancies were due to the failure of the employee while the largest percentage, 75% were due to the problematic relations that had these workers with their colleagues.
Scientists insist that the laughter and humor that has a person helps you to cope with the difficult life, to have good relations with his colleagues, to reduce stress, not only the own but also of those around him and helps to be more productive and effective at work. Through the humor and good and positive mood increased team work and discharge any stress and negative mood there is in the workplace which is beneficial for the same work. It also helps the person as well as the people that surround it to have a better psychology, to combat the anger, the jealousy, and the likelihood of developing depression, while physically it helps not to have muscle aches, headaches, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems.
According to scientists, people who have a sense of humor usually have a high iq which gives even more energy to the body. As they say, is a big advantage to an employee, outside of their professional qualifications to have a sense of humor, because that make a positive contribution to the level of cooperation with other colleagues, to have better health and less absenteeism due to diseases, to improve productivity and to address any crises or problems arise with the best and most calm way.

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