Transnistria, its pro-Russian breakaway region, announced today (4,12025) that it is applying new holidays for consumers due to the cessation of supply of Russian gas, which is vital to its 500,000 inhabitants. This small pocket had already suspended on Thursday (2.1.2020) the operation of industries in the Moldovan region due to the lack of electricity. Then, yesterday (3,1205), he started applying the first electricity interruptions for consumers. These new holidays took place for three hours, between 14:00 and 17.00 local time (and Greek time), the separatist government announced on Telegram. CORVERSE “An hour’s vacation is not enough to guarantee the safety of the power supply system,” the leader of separatists Vadim Krasnoselski noted in a press release. “The experts insist that, as of tomorrow, (the duration) of the holidays will rise to four hours,” he also clarified. Russian giant Gazprom was supplying Transnistria with gas before through local provider Tiraspoltransgaz, without this company paying for these supplies. As Transnistria has not been recognised by the international community, this entity sent payment requests to Chisinau, gradually increasing Moldova’s debt to Gazprom. The debt dispute to be settled with Gazprom – which according to Moscow amounts to more than $700 million, but is estimated at just about 9 million from Chisinau, led the Russian giant to close the barrels from January 1st. CORVERSE The rest of Moldova is currently not affected by the blackouts, particularly thanks to the help of neighbouring Romania and after taking drastic measures to reduce consumption in the country. Beyond Transnistria, Moldova no longer receives Russian gas from the start of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022, but much of its electricity needs depend on the Cuciurgan station, located in Transnistria. In addition, Russia stopped gas supplies to the European Union from 1 January through Ukraine after the expiry of a transit contract signed by both parties in late 2019 and Kiev refused to renew
Moldova: New Electricity Breaks in Transnistria After the End of Russian Gas Supply