Mitsotakis “spoked” to his right but did not “forget” the center – How he “trapped” Androulakis

What does the decision of Mitsotakis to propose Costas Tasoula for President of the Republic mean? He is expected to be elected by over 166 votes (including Antonis Samaras) and Luca Katseli to appear to be second in the vote. Nikos Androulakis has already announced that PASOK’s proposal for the Presidency of the Republic will be Tasos Giannitis, Minister of Kostas Simitis, who had attempted in early 2000 the reform of the insurance company. CORVERSE Following Wednesday’s developments (15.01.2025), parties also begin a political valuation. By handling the issue of the President of the Republic, Kyriakos Mitsotakis “trapped” Nikos Androulakis, who may also be the great loser. For the government, the stake is self-reliance. By choosing Tasoula, Kyriakos Mitsotakis “spoken” to her right but because the governments take them out the center, he will turn there as well. For the New Republic a person who can cause voters to flee is Venus Latinopoulou, who comes from the party’s insides but has still not been judged in national elections. The meeting is broadcast daily live by YouTube and social media.