Microsoft is developing a presence in the industry of cloud

The Aston Martin and the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom will be some of the early customers of Microsoft…
Microsoft presents a complete set of cloud services from data centres in Britain, the second-largest market for software cloud after the United States, as well as the demand for the localization of the data extends to the whole of Europe and the world.
This will allow a range of British clients from the legal, banking, and the public sector to run their operations via the internet, something that until now were hesitant to do it for regulatory reasons and reasons of security-related data.
“We want to ensure that as many people as possible customers will have access to the cloud,” says Nicola Hudson, general manager of marketing and operations, Microsoft UK. The local data storage has become progressively more desirable, as us technology companies have become dominant, and Edward Snowden revealed mass surveillance by the U.S. government, intensifying the concern around data privacy, security, and national sovereignty.
Earlier, Microsoft customers who use software cloud-based in european data centres in Dublin, Amsterdam, or other areas. The company operates over 100 data centers worldwide.
The Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom, which employs 230.000 people and spends over $ 3 billion per year in technical infrastructure, it will be an early customer of application and infrastructure cloud Microsoft.
For the choice of this, the ministry relies on the savings and the security of data. The other primary customers in the Uk will include the car industry Aston Martin, services of the NHS – the National Health System of Britain – and the Capita, the largest outsourcing company in the country.
Microsoft is the second software vendor cloud in the world, after the that has been a pioneer in cloud services a decade ago. And the two companies compete, also, Google, IBM, Oracle, and many others.