Microchips in driver’s licenses proposed by the government …

The new biometric id cards which will not be easy to forge, will have the size of a credit card, and will…
include items, such as:
-Imprint of the iris of the eye
-Fingerprint and probably
-Microchip with DNA evidence
On the back side of the barcode, they’ll be listed personal data, such as:
-Address Of Residence
-Any Violations Of Traffic Code
-Criminal record
-Information air travel in the last year and
-Possibly immigration status.
According to relevant government sources, the new identity cards will have to acquire until June, all the Greeks, by paying about ten euro each. If this does not happen, Washington is threatening to reintroduce the visa for Greek travelers, in the United States.
The whole cost is estimated at over 80 million euro.
The government promotes and the issuance of new biometric driving licences. So the total cost may reach 150 million.

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