Memorandum obligation, the List Surgery?

Writes the Wisdom Βούλτεψη
And somewhere in there, the famous and infamous memory “parallel program”, under the… general title “Upgrade of operating public health system – protection of rights of recipients of health services”, there is article 82, entitled “a List for surgery”!
There is stated: To ensure the equality and non-discrimination of patients in the provision of surgery in the hospitals of the SNS and the SW 2592/1953 in University Hospitals and Departments, is established the List of Surgery. Key terms for training are the following medical documentation evaluation of the severity of the disease and the possibility of standby time, with safety to the health of the patient by a qualified physician of the TEP, the Regular outpatient department and the Nursing Boards of the above entities, and Units of Primary Care. The compilation of the List of Surgery shall be notified immediately to the patient the date of surgery. From the List, excluding the emergency cases, which are in immediate need of surgery. By a decision of the ministry of Health established the training mode of the List of Surgery, organization and optimal function of the for patients and health professionals, and every other detail”.
“Very nice!”, I exclaim someone. “To come to an end, and intertwining with the series of surgeries!”.
Yes, but the problem is not there!
Lies in the fact that the List of Surgery is a memorandum obligation of the country!
That is, the government took a memorandum obligation and turned it into a “parallel program”!
But neither is the essence of the problem – lies and tricks and propaganda another nothing government.
The problem lies in the fact that we waited to come the troika in Greece, to determine the problem and to the solution of the memorandum.
And of course, there are other problems, which they know well and the live workers in the field of health – such as that to get in the surgery I need previously to there is a bed in the hospital.
But again: Memorandum obligation, the List Surgery?

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