…Megaphone, and …MATT the opening of underpass in Trikala

Under the … mixing ψαλμωδιών and … “ψαλμωδιών”…
against the Government, was inaugurated today morning the opening of the much-afflicted project of the construction of an underground passage in the Σαράγια Trikala.
As recorded the trikalanews.gr Government Representative of the Government Olga Γεροβασίλη, the Secretary of state for Transport Marina Χρυσοβελώνη, the Members of Trikala GREEK Sakis Papadopoulos, Panagiota Δριτσέλη and Christos Σιμορέλης, the district Governor of Thessaly Kostas Αγοραστός, the Mayor of Trikala Dimitris Papastergiou, the Thematic vice-governor of Thessaly Vasilis Anagnostopoulos, Regional and Municipal Counsellors, wore well, and attended the opening ceremony officiated by his Eminence former Metropolitan of Trikkis and Stagon mr. Αλέξιοος, having at his side his Eminence Metropolitan of Trikkis and Stagon mr. Chrysostomos.
In regards to common the assumption for the huge delay in the completion of the project, with the result that hassle for a decade and longer from trikala…
The time of the inauguration, former ΣΥΡΙΖΑίοι of Trikala … “sang” to the Government for the policy of the memoranda of understanding that continues to have …alert strong police forces, without, however, need to intervene.Source