Measures to decongest and reverse the adverse situation, that unnecessarily experience in Lesvos requested by the Hoteliers Association of Lesvos

Measures ΑΠΟΣΥΜΦΟΡΗΣΗΣ and: REVERSE the effects of the Refugee / Immigrant”…
Mr Vice President, Honourable Ministers,
1.Following the meeting of the 7.10.2016 at the Maximos Mansion in the presence of the Prime minister, Government officials and representatives, for the account issue, your transfer from 5.10.2016 OPEN LETTER of our Union, with the earnest request to take into account the content of, the forthcoming decisions to be taken, both for the measures ΑΠΟΣΥΜΦΟΡΗΣΗΣ, and for measures to: REVERSE the adverse situation, that unnecessarily (without our responsibility), we are living in Lesvos, particularly in the last two years (2015 – 2016), during and intensified her 7-year-old fiscal adjustment, over the years, distortions / deficiencies and specificities / handicaps us, that dominate in the Sensitive Destination, where everything is small, very small, expensive, old, ailing and mainly ΑΝΑΝΤΙΣΤΟΙΧΑ WITH THE BEARING of our ABILITY and not just enjoying, but a lot less (in comparison with other tourist developed destinations) in larger projects, events, opportunities, turnover, funding, Programs, Services, Transport, INFRASTRUCTURE / Ανωδομές, Training, Know-How, arrivals / nights / wholeness / during tourist season, etc.
2.And all that without the initiatives of other Regions (who don’t have the particularities / opportunities for strategic alliances, Programming Contracts, CRISIS / PROJECT MANAGEMENT,MARKETING, waterways, dense ferry or air connections regular flights, CHARTERS, LOW FARE (not that we got never get), without shipping our connection on an annual basis with the city of Thessaloniki (from September 2014), high-fare, low tourist season (in some areas a few weeks), next to a neighbouring rival country with a galloping economy and “smart practices” to attract visitors / elongation tourist season, such as.x. subsidises and 2017 (and 2016) the CHARTERS with $6000 per flight, when we “fail” to subsidize even the LOW-FARE (LOW COST) flights……12ευρώ per passenger, not even in προσφυγόπληκτα islands!
3.With a view to sensitivity and συναντίληψή you, we expect you to take all necessary measures and in the context of 4.2.2016 “the European Parliament Resolution on the situation of the islands”, so decongest and reverse the adverse impacts that threaten the next (2017) and perhaps the consequent (2018 etc.) tourist times, of the border, islands of our Region.
A member of the BOARD of directors of the HCH