Maybe something happens from the following? You age faster than you should

Our body is a piece of contrived art. Our…
tells you everything you need to know about our health through small but visible signs. The problem is that we are too busy to care what us says. But when we pay attention, then we can take corrective measures and to give the opportunity to our body to have health for many years.
The external signs of premature aging that make us feel ‘old’, may be indicative of a change in our body.
Of course, the aging depends on genes, the environment and the style of our life. Don’t age the same all or all of the signs are identical. So to figure out if we’re getting old quickly or not it is essential to understand our personal history.
Read the 5 signs that indicate that you age very quickly:
A smile that is lost
We chew and drink which with time makes the smile to fade. So the pearly our teeth lose the enamel on them slowly because of certain foods and the result is the teeth to turn yellow. The biggest threat to our smile is the foods with sugar and drinks as well as caffeine.
The correction:
Reduce sweets, caffeine and soft drinks
Avoid picking because the increase in the level of acids in the mouth contributes to bad oral health.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. It will help your body is in a alkaline condition and to keep the teeth healthy.
The eyebrows and the eyelashes thin out
Generally, when we get older, the hair weakens and the change of hormones in the body does the eyebrows and lashes to thin out. So many years of grooming destroying the follicles and it is more difficult to grow hair.
The correction:
Add in your diet foods that promote hair growth like vitamin A, C and E.
Massage with coconut oil on the affected areas to help the hair growth.
Do you scrub with sugar/coconut oil to increase circulation in the area.
Red eyes
The red eyes are not only the result of a late night,a cold, or allergies. The years red eyes can be a sign of any disease in your body and in particular infection.
The infection and aging are closely linked because when we get older, our body produces small infections that cause pain in the joints, arthritis and even alzheimer’s.
Put green tea ,antioxidants and omega 3 in your diet.
Build a natural serum made from chamomile tea to wash the eyes or use hot tea bags chamomile as a compress.
With a clean dropper, put a drop of castor oil on the edges of each eye.
Changes in the tone and texture of the skin.
It is not surprising that we see changes in the tone and texture of the skin as we age. How quickly, however, this is usually a result of what we eat,how we exercise and how we sleep. There are also environmental factors that cause aging in the skin such as the infection and how often we live under the sun.
The correction:
Use natural sunscreen. You can even make your own using coconut oil,olive oil and zinc oxide.
Make scrub from sugar, baking soda and yogurt to remove dead skin cells and your skin bright.
Use on the skin liquid vitamin K to wash it off dark marks
Dull and unruly hair
The changes in hormones as we age is the main cause for the dull and weak hair. There are other factors such as stress, medications, excessive styling products. You need to be careful with your hair and more gentle with them as you get older.
The correction:
Quit smoking the harsh chemicals from your daily routine and use natural products rich in proteins.
Add probiotics to your diet.
Massage with warm oil to the scalp of your head once a week.
Wash your hair fewer times a week
That we do to our bodies has a direct effect. Of course, we cannot control hereditary factors but we can control a lot of things that cause premature aging. It’s not hard to adopt a good practice for your body and long term for your health, but it needs work.
Read some general instructions:
Check stress and anxiety levels with drugs and yoga.
Keep your joints healthy with daily motion.
Check the levels of your blood sugar by eating fresh organic produce.
Take nutritional supplements to ensure a sufficient quantity of vitamins and minerals in your body.
Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night.

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