Maximos is strategically changing the management of the Tembes case – The response to PASOK to recommend Pre-interrogation

His strategy is adapted to the management of their case, with background and parliamentary initiatives launched by the opposition. In PASOK’s request for the establishment of a Pre-Interrogation Committee for Christos Triantopoulos, in order to investigate any criminal responsibilities for the “trouble” in the area of tragedy – as responsible for coordinating and monitoring actions and actions “on the field”, in the Tempi – the Maximos Palace is reserved for the official response of… “We await the PASOK proposal and its details. Moreover, on this issue the government has already been placed” state sources of Maximos for the surprise request of Nikos Androulakis’ party, which supports the file of the verdict of Prosecutor of Appeals Larissa, dated 15/07/2024. The government’s position in recent days, as Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed it in his interview with Alpha, is that the government majority “will not stand in the way of further investigation in the House, although if the Prosecutor considers that there may be any involvement of political persons.” When will the recommendation for pre-interrogation and other requests be discussed in Parliament… February and March are in every case two months of dense parliamentary processes. CORVERSE In addition to PASOK’s proposal to set up a Prerogative Committee – which all parties in the democratic arc opposition are expected to support – there remains to be at least two other parliamentary opposition initiatives. After the publication of the two findings on the tragedy of Tempes, the National Technical University and the National Organisation for the Investigation of Air and Railway Accidents and Transport Safety – they are expected to be launched: – the pre-daily discussion at the level of political leaders requested by Syriza, the Communist Party and the New Left, and… – the proposal of mistrust towards the government that PASOK plans to submit, with the support of other opposition parties. It remains to be seen, if from both findings and from the investigation of Justice, there will be new evidence to enter the pre-interrogation committee frame and then Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Kostas Karamanlis, perhaps other political figures… Change of strategy from Maximus. – Recommendations to the Prime Minister Maximos Palace closely monitors the strategy of PASOK and other opposition parties and organizes its own… line. Information says that in the prime minister’s office there is even a suggestion that the government should catch up with the opposition’s motion of disbelief and ask the House for a renewed vote of confidence. In this case, this could be launched after the election of President of the Republic, expected on 12 February. Government VS opposition Meanwhile, the whole frontal attack on the opposition continues, to which the government blames itself for seeking political benefits from the Tempes tragedy, and firmly rejects the cover-up complaints. “What I consider as a conspiracy theory and an attempt to mislead the public and the relatives, is the trickery. It’s one thing to say I made mistakes in the field… And I come to the wood. It’s one thing to say on the train that A or B was transferred – legitimate to say it, Justice will judge it, a series of expert opinions – and another thing to say that this transfer was done and fraudulently the Government covered it up,” said Government Representative, Paul Marinakis (Skai 100.3), referring to the investigation of Justice on every aspect of the case. Emphasis on government work… The Government is determined not to leave unanswered what the opposition blames for the Tempe tragedy and to prevent the parties from trying to dominate this case, almost monothematically, in the news. The Prime Minister’s mandate to the ministers is to run the government project and project it, while on Friday Kyriakos Mitsotakis plans a tour of Kavala to communicate a series of government actions for the Region.