Mario Monti: it Is critical to comply with the rules in the EU

In compliance with the EU rules and their importance from all sides, it was reported the former…
prime minister of Italy Mario Monti, from the step of the Economic Forum of Delphi. He stressed that it is precisely the specificity, the observance of common rules by the countries of the North and the South, and from old and new member states of the EU is what makes it attractive to the european vision.
“Although some of the rules seem strange and sometimes cruel, such as fiscal discipline, have the aim of protecting future generations from policies of current government”, said the Italian politician, recalling that it comes from a country that found itself in a difficult situation as it does not comply with specific rules.
Mr. Modi, the official start of work of the forum, it was mentioned both in the weakness of the understanding of the european rules by the citizens, and the reluctance of several governments to explain to them, as well as the flexibility requested several member-states which are constantly exceptions to the agreements, whether it is the Stability and Growth Pact, or for the distribution of refugees.
“I would like to see more from the European Commission for some Southern countries, such as France, which does not comply with the stability pact with regard to fiscal deficit, and more rigour in some of the countries of the north, such as Germany for the financial imbalances”, said mr. Modi.
According to him, the basic cause of the crisis of the EU and the euro area is precisely the non-observance of the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact, not from the South of the EU, but France and Germany: “The crisis was caused by two respectable parents of the euro. Germany and France in 2003, when it had failed to comply with the Stability Pact. The Commission of Romano Prodi did not impose sanctions, and the Council of the EU wanted to impose sanctions on the two countries”.
The former prime minister of Italy, argued that the fiscal discipline is not a sadistic choice in the north of Europe, while stressing that despite the shortcomings and weaknesses of Economic and Monetary Union, both Greece and Italy would have much more problems without the Eurozone.
For his part, Commissioner Christos Stylianides, responsible for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, stood to the risks that endanger the future of further european integration, and the opportunities and achievements of the EU, on the occasion of the 60 years of the Treaty of Rome.
“We need to ensure the vision of a United Europe and to move forward together in the future”, said Commissioner Stylianides, referring both to the challenge of globalisation, as well as the issues of combating terrorism, the demographic crisis of, not only old, but mostly γηράσκουσαςμ continent as well as in future refugee flows from areas of the world that there is a demographic explosion.
“We, is more powerful than I, both at european and at national level,” stressed the Commissioner Stylianides, stressing that a century ago the Europeans were 25% of the world’s population and in sixty years will make up only 5%.
“The average European today is 45 years of age. At the same time there is a demographic explosion in Africa, we can imagine what it flows of refugees and immigrants we will have, because of our social model, a model that has turned Europe as the point of the planet where the citizens feel better than anywhere else”, said Commissioner Stylianides.