Marinella and Stelios Kazantzidis together in a rare 1959 photo from a nightclub

And there were a couple in life and domestic music industry. They wrote their own special story and managed to fill for years the night clubs that appeared. A photo from 1959 showing Marinella, Stelios Kazantzidis and Yota Lydia, released the official account of the studio Cleisthenes on Instagram. The screenshot had been drawn in “Mandubala”, a secular center of the time, where Yota Lydia made her first appearance on the side of the two singers. CORVERSE The title of the publication reads: “Klithenes takes pictures of Marinella, Stelios Kazantzidis and Yota Lydia one of the greatest and greatest folk singers. The unpublished photo on 31-10-1959 is from the well-known secular center of the Mandubala era where she also made her first appearance on the palco.” Marinella and Stelios Kazantzidis experienced for ten years a stormy love, which was about to end up in a short-term marriage. They met in 1956 in Thessaloniki, when Kazantzidis was still with Kate Gray with whom they were engaged. But they never married as the singer was not approved by the mother of Stelios Kazantzidis, Geshmanis, whom the folk bard worshiped and counted as no other woman in his life. All of a sudden Marinella got into his life. Kazantzidis heard her sing one night. Marinella herself had narrated in radio conversation with Antonis Remo: “Kazantzidis I met him from Stelios Zaphirios. I had no idea who Stelios Kazantzidis was, I didn’t know him. He says to me, “You sing nice, good! Sekoda you know how to do”? I say “I know” and then he says “You’re fishing”? I say “Sure” and he asks me “Let’s go fishing”? We fished, we didn’t catch anything, but I guess there was a little crush there. I was wearing a swimsuit and it seems that’s how he liked me, Stelio. I was a sweet nice girl, but I wasn’t pretty. This did not prevent anyone from loving me too”! See this post on Instagram. As a singing duo they wrote history with songs such as “Mandubala”, and “Ziguala” and in the stores that first appeared the emerging bourgeoisie then sat next to the people of the day, but also the margin. Together they traveled to the Greek villages abroad where they were deposited, although Marinella sang the choruses in the tracks and her role was limited.