The president of Nikos Androulakis responded by telling him that he is in total panic. “Mr. Androulakis, with his interview today, in total panic, tried to gather the uncompromising statements of his previous election collaborations. And he made it worse,” Paul Marinakis said in a statement on the occasion of what the president of PASOK argued in an interview and added: “PASOK president spoke of government propaganda. CORVERSE They are propaganda what he said last Monday and specifically that “the scenario is: the next government to be the ND with some other parties or PASOK with some other parties or PASOK or New Democracy with self-reliance “?” The government representative went on to wonder: “Is it propaganda that Mr. Geroulanos, the parliamentary representative and presidential candidate of PASOK, two days ago, not even excluded Mr. Varoufakis from the potential PASOK interlocutors? CORVERSE It is propaganda that the other candidate President of PASOK Mr. Katrinis argued: “yes, we want to form a government of progressive forces, although we have the first mandate in the next election, and with Syriza and with the New Left.” Mr Marinakis pointed out that “PASOK became the main opposition from a carabola” and concluded: “If they want to become, however, as they say, a serious alternative for the country, it would be better to have a cost-effective program, instead of naming those who caused the blackest days for Greece or to throw mud on supposedly right-wing turning to the government that shielded our democracy from criminal organizations, giving Justice the appropriate legal “weapons”. Either way, the government will continue to implement the programme with which it was elected, with the sole aim of continuously empowering citizens.”
Marinakis: In total panic Mr. Androuliakis tried to clean up the unpackaged and made them worse
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