Marilita Lambropoulou: “There are reviews of fools, without any foundation, through problems everyone has”

“It means that I am involved in the reviews,” said Marilita Lambropoulou, among other things, about the relationship she maintains with the reviews and the much discussed position of Popi Diamantakos for Christopher Papakaliatis and his last series, Maestro was invited to speak when she was found a guest of the Weekenders on Sunday morning at ANT1. ADVERSE “I don’t know about this, I don’t deal with such nonsense. I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t want to comment on such things,” the well-known protagonist initially pointed out for the comments recently received by her good colleague and the creator of Maestro. “He means that Christopher Papakaliatis is a very successful man. Everything else is…”, said Marilita Lambropoulou. “There are reviews well-meaning and ill-meaning. There are substance reviews and fools, without any foundation, through problems that everyone has mentally and critically that are for your improvement for your good and comments to move you forward. Of course I do the reviews, as long as it’s the second,” Marilita Lambropoulou also filled out.