Maria Corinth: George Liaga and I didn’t love each other – A whole studio heard us that day

For her epic collaboration with the ANT1 “Morning” she spoke to Alpha Cyprus on Sunday night (24.11.24). As revealed by Maria Corinthiou, the reason he left the show presented by George Liagas is that “some limits have been crossed”. “It was an experience that I think there was no ‘reason’ to exist and live it together. They crossed some boundaries, which as a woman, as a professional and as a human, I have bled to create and reach this point where I am now alone. I have reached the point where I do not accept and tolerate anything less, not only than what I deserve, but from respect,” he stressed. Of course a lot of things we had discussed, okay, they didn’t want to change, they wanted me to change. They wanted me to leave. I haven’t spoken to George Liaga since and I don’t need to. We didn’t. The truth is that I left because “we didn’t get along” a little more than normal. We weren’t in love. It is known that a whole studio, over 200 people, listened to us that day,” he stressed. “I feel like I can’t fit the place and when you don’t fit somewhere, you don’t squeeze. I leave out of love and respect, not out of spite or hatred.” This is a line from my heroine’s theatre,” he said. “I had sat on the show with love and respect. I’m gone because my boundaries have crossed. My red line was crossed”, concluded Maria Corinth.