Maria Anastasopoulou reacted: “I have left Morning Greece for so many months”

“Now I’m on SKAI and Live You,” said . Statements to entertainment broadcasters made by Maria Anastasopoulou. The journalist and presenter reacted with the constant questions she received about “Good morning Greece” and George Papadakis. ADVERSE “We are there, Live You! This is the first time I’ve heard that I’m doing a show with John Kolkythas on SKAI. We’re on Live You! I wasn’t talking about all this even when I was in Morning Greece. George Papadakis knows what he will do, he is the most experienced of all. I’ve been out of Morning Greece for so many months, thank you very much. It’s a part of my life and my professional route, but now I’m on the weekend and Live You. I am on Live You, children,” said Maria Anastasopoulou.