Major projects starting the first few weeks of 2017

A series of projects waiting to be signed and to start in the first two months of 2017. Are works of great cost …
expected to give breath to the real economy and the market.
The most important of these is the rail project for the infrastructure at the department of Psathopyrgos-Rio, the work of BOAK Panormos-Εξάντης, works of irrigation from the defer sprinkler, the repair of the building of CAPACITY in Piraeus, the Waste Processing Units in Serres and Continent etc.
ΨΑΘΟΠΥΡΓΟΣ-RIO. The tender of it was made in March 2015 and it passed from courtrooms before it gets here, namely the approval by the Court of Auditors, which is expected. The contract if we have no setbacks will be signed at the end of January. Contractor GD Infrastrutture. Cost 215εκ.euro
PANORMOS-ΕΞΑΝΤΗΣ. Responsibilities in … eternal auctioning as the process began in March 2014. Is in final stage and is expected to be signed within the next few weeks. Contractor WHOA Petris-ΤΕΚΑΛ. Cost 65εκ.euro.
WORKS and dust control ΑΝΑΒΑΛΟΥ: Also auctioning off the old as well as the tender process had begun in February of 2015. The signatures are a matter of days. Contractor QUARRYING. Cost 25,3 cm.euro.
STRENGTHENING-REPAIR BUILDING CAPACITY OF PIRAEUS. Was auctioned on 9 February this year. Contractor the ΑΡΧΙΚΟΝ with discount 61,7%. It is a large building project, one of the few of Athens. Cost 24,38 ec.euro.
TREATMENT UNIT, WASTE DISPOSAL EPIRUS. The start of the tender process is complete by 2014, but a few weeks ago was included in the NSRF. The signatures are expected shortly. Contractor TERNA ΕΝΕΡΓΕΙΑΚΗΗ. Cost 45m.euro
TREATMENT UNIT, WASTE DISPOSAL AREA OF SERRES. The second project of the same category. Is sponsor of the j/V INTRAKAT-ΑΡΧΙΡΟΔΟΝ-ΕΝΒΙΤΕΚ in a long time. A few days ago was included in the NSRF. The signing of the contract expected until February. Cost of $ 35 million.euro.