Macron: New Year’s Mea culpa – The announcement of early elections in June 2024

In the 2024 and in his expiration he admitted that he put his own goal with his decision to announce early elections last June, as he created greater political instability in France. In his New Year’s message to the French people, Emanuel Macron acknowledged his mistake, and – as he said – “I fully take over the share of the responsibility that belongs to me.” CORVERSE “The dissolution of the National Assembly and early elections have so far caused greater divisions in the National Assembly than solutions for the French people”, “factoring more instability, rather than calm,” the President of France said in his television message, on the evening of New Year’s Eve. “I fully assume my share of responsibility,” stressed French Macron, recognizing his mea culpa. He estimated that 2025 should be the year of “collective recovery” to be allowed to come “stability”.