Lydia Fotopoulou: I became pregnant with my son at 24, I was not married

‘ My parents were not in life, so I had no answer to anyone” confessed . To Gregory Arnautoglou and The 2night Show opened her heart Lydia Fotopoulou for her personal life and her professional life. In high school a teacher posted Electra, went there to miss classes, and I loved doing another one. My father had time to see me in my first performance, he was very proud,” said Lydia Fotopoulou. “I was the first actress to play topless in Epidaurus. Voutsinas, Kourkulos and Fotopoulos said they would beat us. When I played, I didn’t have a name. They wrote in the newspapers: Alexandra Ladiko and the topless Theologian,” the actress then describes. “On the substance, I became known from the performance “Roman and Juliet” at the National Theatre. They kept ringing the phones, I thought they were kidding me,” Lydia Fotopoulou admits to another place. “For many years I was afraid of the camera, I had a complex with television, because I felt I didn’t have time for this because of the theatre, which was very important to me. I was on TV at 64”, describes the actress to Gregory Arnautoglu. “I became pregnant with my son when I was 24, I was not married. My parents weren’t in life, so I had no one to answer to. Now I enjoy being on my own, my biggest fear is incompetence”, confesses Lydia Fotopoulou.