Luca Katseli thanks the New Left for supporting its nomination for President of the Republic

‘ I thank the members of the Central Committee for their trust in my face,” the first comment made by the following decision made on Sunday (19.01.2025) by the New Left to support its nomination for . “Today’s decision of the New Left to support my candidacy is particularly worthy of me”, notes Luca Katseli, who was proposed by Syriza for President of the Republic. CORVERSE It is recalled that the New Left decided earlier on Sunday to vote for Luca Katseli for the country’s high state office after the Central Committee meeting and after Alexis Haritsi’s recommendation. Luca Katseli’s statement: “Today’s decision of the New Left to support my candidacy is of great honor to me. I thank the members of the Central Committee for their trust in my face. As I have stated in the first place, the nomination for the country’s highest office cannot be the subject of party competition or settlement. It must promote unity at both political and national level and mark the super-party character of the position of President of the Republic.”