Every year, on February 2, the Church honors the Maid of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus, who is a Despotic and at the same time Theometorian feast. The celebration of the Hypnian of Jesus Christ is one of the oldest festivals of our Church (it began to be celebrated in 518 AD). ADVERSE SUSPENSION (or otherwise Suppress) means reception and occurred forty days after the birth of the child Jesus. This fact is told by the evangelizer Luke in chapter II, p. 22-35. According to the Mosaic law, the Virgin Mary, after completing the time of cleansing from childbirth, went to the Temple of Jerusalem with Joseph, to perform the formal dedication of the infant to God, according to the law, because she was the first child of the family, the “every man had an open womb (i.e. firstborn) holy to the Lord being called.” According to tradition, parents always had to offer sacrifice, consisting of a pair of birds or two small pigeons. CORVERSE During this transition, the older Simeon accepted Jesus in his arms. This fact is another proof that the Lord Jesus Christ did not come to abolish the Mosaic law, as the hypocritical Pharisees and scribes claimed, but to supplement it, to perfect it. During the all-night of the Hypaddy in Constantinople, the kings used to attend the Wallachern Temple. This practice continued until the end of the Byzantine Empire. In Byzantine times, Ypapanti was celebrated as a small celebration on 14 February, however, Emperor Justinian brought it to a despotic in 542 and forced it to be celebrated on 2 February, asking for God’s help for a plague that plagued his territory. Today, only the Armenian Church honors the Hypathesi on 14 February, while the “old-dayrs” celebrate the Hypathesi on 15 February. Polytikion (Download) Hail our graced Virgin God, and your son has risen the sun of righteousness, Christ our God, lighting it to kill. And you, O ambassadors, beckoned to the people who set their souls free, giving us and the resurrection.
Lord’s servant: What we celebrate today February 2
in Greece