London: “dressed” sniper holding gun and “cut” walks on subway

“False alarm” meant a subway station in , where a man was arrested who wore military clothes and held a sniper, but as it turned out it was a… disguise! The 20-year-old man was arrested at his home after scattering terror on the London subway, targeting train cars with his fake gun. In a video quickly made viral, it seems the young man dressed in the variant uniform is preparing the “monkey” weapon at Whitechapel Station last Saturday before turning it towards a train as passengers watched terror. CORVERSE British police confirmed after arresting him, that he was dressed like this because he was going to a dedicated conference for films and comic books. The 20-year-old was arrested as a suspect in possession of an imitation gun with intent to cause fear or violence and a charge of possession of an offensive weapon. This is the well-known Comic Con event that is popular worldwide. Thousands of fans, movies, videogame and anime disguise their favorite characters, take part in “best uniform” competitions and enjoy the activities organized at the 3 days event. Ian Drummond Smith, the Assistant Network Police Chief for Britain’s Transportation Police, said: “This is a sure way to arrest and receive fire from authorities.” The police said they respond to every call for a gun – even if it is something like that – and urged those in disguise to keep such accessories hidden.