Liam Payne died trying to escape the hotel balcony – he had tried it before

The former One Direction, allegedly attempting to escape from his hotel room in CasaSur Palermo, Buenos Aires, using the balcony, when he lost his life on 16 October 2024. New footage of recently published security cameras reveal the singer’s final moments, shed light on the events that preceded Liam Payne’s tragic fall from the hotel balcony where he resided. According to the police report, a black hat and a Louis Vuitton bag were found next to Liam Payne’s body. Additionally, a brown leather bag containing pills and bottle of whiskey was found on the second-floor balcony, indicating that Liam Payne tried to throw away the items before attempting to jump into the lower balcony. However, the singer’s plan appeared to have failed, as he lost consciousness and fell into the void from the third floor, resulting in his death at the age of just 31. The new footage shows three men, probably hotel employees, carrying Liam. In his room just before the fall. One of them allegedly removed a mirror from the door of the room, fearing that the singer might destroy him, as his room had already been damaged. According to police, the hotel manager had called for immediate assistance, describing Liam Payno “probably under the influence of drugs and alcohol” and expressing fears for his safety due to the balcony in his room. On the 911 call from Argentina, employees expressed concern about the situation on the balcony, saying: “I don’t know if his life might be in danger. He’s in a room with a balcony and, uh, we’re a little scared,” according to the website. Despite concerns, Liam stayed in the room, while sources stated that they believed the hotel was more interested in the disturbance that had prevailed in the lobby than in the singer’s safety. According to TMZ, Liam, who was 31 when he died, struggled with employees trying to force him to return to his room. He had tried to escape from a balcony before. He has spoken in the past about how difficult it was for him to be locked up in hotel rooms, as was often the case during the One Direction era. The video shows an employee using a key to open Liam’s door and lock him up. TMZ also reported that Liam had also previously tried to escape through balconyes, reporting an incident in September, when he was reportedly using a pipe to descend from a room to a rented house in Florida. Among them, a alleged drug dealer and a former hotel employee are charged with supplying drugs to the singer. A friend of his is charged with negligence, as he did not inform his family of his relapse. The toxicology report revealed the presence of multiple drugs in his blood, such as cocaine and pink cocaine. His official cause of death was attributed to craniocerebral injury and internal bleeding while