Lesbos: Rock landslides caused by the big 5.1 Richter earthquake

Resurrection is the after the great 5.1 Richter who shook the island on Tuesday night (21/01/2025). The earthquake in Lesvos has caused the inhabitants’ intense concern as it was large in duration while no damage to homes and infrastructure has been reported for the time being. CORVERSE Exception according to the nealesvou the area on the road between Argene and Vafiu where a large rock has fallen on the road and police are on their way to take security measures as the road closed. The road will remain closed throughout the night as it was judged by the District that has the authority and Vice-Region Chief Costas Aronis safer not to go to the area now a workshop in the fear of new falls and injury of a worker but to do the work at the first light of day.