Lefteris Pantazis: “Maria Aliferis I love and respect her, she is a lady”

“She is a mangaki and a good actress,” said the singer about her. In the special reaction Maria Aliferis had about the “disclosure” of her relationship with Lefteris Pantazis, she was invited to answer the well-known singer at noon on Saturday (11.01.20205) on the show “You still saw nothing”. ADVERSE “Smiles Lord who will be lost”, the actress stressed a few days ago with the folk singer placed again on the subject. “I talked about 3 – 4 relationships known, asked by Nikos Hatzinikolaou, where I said I thank all these ladies. I also mentioned her name. I did not blame some, I barely thanked these ladies who passed through my life,” Lefteris Pantazis originally said. “I love her and respect her. She’s a dude and she’s a good actress, she’s a lady. He has never given any right,” he said about Maria Aliferis. “I didn’t say anything, why should I say? I said “thank you very much, I have had a good time”. This. I didn’t say anything, son. I may call her and talk to her,” Lefteris Pantazis added.