Larisa: Ages beat wild twin sisters – “They spit on them, asked to fall on their knees,” reveals the mother of the victims

She shocks the new incident of violence between minors with two girls who had to be taken to hospital. The mother of the twin girls who fell victim to her, talks to and breaks out. It all happened on Sunday evening (05.01.2025) around 22:00 in Neapolis Square in Larissa. According to the complaint, a group of six underage girls, 13 and 14 years old, attacked and brutally beaten the twins 15-year-old girls. After the end of the attack the sisters, with blows to the head, were transferred to Larisa General Hospital where first aid was provided. CORVERSE According to the complaint, there was a phone conversation on the occasion of the attack at an open hearing. It all happened when one of the victims spoke on the phone with one of the girls who are being treated as perpetrators of the attack, from the mobile phone of a boy in the twin group. On this call, one of the victims, you bring in the girlfriend of one of the boys they met for fun. CORVERSE The mother of twin girls speaks at and describes what happened: “My girls had gone out at night for a walk around 8:00. At the Gallery they found some of their friends, talked, and that was the reason for the incident to begin. There at the Gallery my girls talked to some boys who talked to these girls. They, listening to my daughters, were annoyed that they were talking to the specifics. The boys left and my daughters continued their walk with their friends in Naples Square in Larissa. When they arrived there in the center of the square, they began to be surrounded by those children gathered from other areas. Maybe there were 20 kids. They were trying to humiliate and reduce my girls. They started spitting on my girls and pushing them, asking them to get down on their knees and apologize, the girls refused and said there was no reason,” the mother initially described. “They wanted my daughters to talk about it. One of the girls who knows martial arts, hit in the back with some handles on my daughters. She knocked them down, they started beating them in the head, one of them got caught by the hair and they immobilized her. They were punching, kicking, punching all over the body. Fortunately at that time two big girls, two students, intervened and said they would call the police. They ran away and the students lifted my girls off the ground and put them in a chair. Fortunately, nothing worse happened. My daughters are still shocked. They’re trying to fight their psychology, but they’re afraid of finding them and hitting them again. The Greek police and the prosecutor must intervene and stop all this. We should not be afraid anymore,” the mother of the girls still broke out. The case of the savage attack on the two brothers, the Larisa Criminal Investigation Division investigates.