He spoke to the cameras about the reasons Al Chandiri News had stopped and he was abstaining from television. He said it wasn’t his decision. “There was a time of ban” stressed the popular artist, who had previously expressed similar views. “Return from where? My return was not for my own reasons, I did not leave to return. There was a time of ban and now the ban is over,” Lakis Lazopoulos said. ADVERSE “Don’t catch the sorrows now. It didn’t bother me at all. I played violin and music and had fun with my friends, fine. I’m not that kind of person, I want to have fun,” the actor told reporters. “I was punished by the system yes. It is normal, when changing a system and having some codes, to apply this system, people who are “dangerous” must isolate them. But it’s not something you don’t expect,” he mentioned earlier on the same subject. CORVERSE The cameras met Lakis Lazopoulos at the Vebo Theatre, which he visited for the basil pie cut by the actors of the show “A hero with everywhereflakes”. “If you return scared means “you took the lesson they wanted to teach you”. My lesson is the same: since I am on stage I will say what it is. If I’m not, I’ll tell my friends,” Lakis Lazopoulos said on Christmas Eve at Mega.
Lakis Lazopoulos for his years away from television: “Don’t get sad now”
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