In the Live News show spoke a 28-year-old girl from the , who denounces a doctor and a midwife that they forgot gauze in her body after gynecological surgery in . “Two fists of gauze. Unbelievable what I saw with my own eyes! I was awake and saw the materials both as punches. She smelled the whole room”, she pointed out features while the unbearable pains were the ones that led her to hospital for the second time 5 days after the intervention in Kos. She had a visit to a private doctor who told her that she would have died for two days. The chronicle On 21 February the 28-year-old makes an introduction to end an unwanted pregnancy. The surgery is completed, the woman returns home, however, the unbearable pains do not stop. “After 5 days, the woman every day at home says: ‘I’m in pain, I’m in pain, I’m in pain’.” For days the 28-year-old felt strong pains, resulting in 27th month going to a private gynecologist to be examined. The examination found that gauze had been forgotten in the girl’s body and that she had to immediately go back to Kos hospital to be removed. “I’ve had pains since 10:00 at night. And from 10:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. they had me waiting for the pains.” The hospital doctor, speaking to Live News, argued that removing the gauze was a quick process. He removed her gauze with her hands and as he said, before well – well he came back to give instructions, the couple had become smoke. “There was an abortion and the tampon was forgotten by the midwife, he forgot to remove it, but they got up and left too without taking instructions. She got up and left two hours after the surgery and she and her husband and everyone. She came after five days at the outpatient clinic and I removed it. There was no second surgery to remove the gauze, I pulled it with my hand.” “It takes off the gauze with two materials. They say it’s not their fault but my mistake,” adds 28-year-old. They’re suing him for… an envelope. The couple denounces to Live News that the specific gynecologist had previously given a dossier on the births of their two children and that this time they did not give him, this incident happened. “Because he didn’t get any money. Because the one with the two kids who were born to me over there, I’ve given 600 euros like that, unfairly. This time I haven’t given money happened to me, this happened.” “I would not pursue it is irresponsibility and anesthesia,” says 28-year-old. On Monday the 28-year-old filed a call against a physician and midwife for a demonstration of medical negligence. “The gauze had collected germs and gave me no antibiotics” The 28-year-old stressed to Live News: “The surgery is over and after half an hour they should take off my bandages, as an external doctor told me. I went to get the discharge and the medication. For a week I had pains and was worried because I saw the gauze coming out. I went to a doctor and he told me to go straight to the hospitals and get my bandages off. I go to the hospital and they say ‘’it’s nothing, it’s gauze’. The gauze had collected germs and they didn’t even give me antibiotics. I went to an outside doctor and they gave me antibiotics. He called me on the phone and they admitted it was done. He says I left quickly, how did they release me and the recipe? Even if that’s true, does he tell me why he didn’t call after? This time I didn’t give up the files they probably expected. On the way out I saw the doctor in the hallway and he said ‘’all right’.
Koss: “Two fists of gauze came out of me,” says 28-year-old
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