Korydallos: “I saw the glass break and scratch my head,” says the 19-year-old who was injured by the attack on a bus

Moments of horror lived the passengers in the urban area, when strangers threw marble into the windows resulting in a 19-year-old being injured. The attack occurred when the 806 line vehicle crossed Epirus Street. “I saw the glass break, I turned my head fortunately scratched me a bit in the head. At first they must have thrown a watering water if I remember correctly, because I saw the children lifting and flying…,” said the 19-year-old injured bus passenger to Korydallos. CORVERSE “I listen to the first bang, then I hear the second, and I see the glass in front of my eyes breaking, and I just turned my head as fast as I could to keep nothing in my eye, don’t hurt,” he filled. “Luckily, passengers, and driver, were very willing to help. The driver, you can imagine, sat with us from 23:30 until 02:00. Good thing it was the new buses with the safety windows. If it were the old windows, we would be devastated,” he said. For his part, the bus driver said that “to throw things on a bus is common. Usually, waters, eggs, in some areas are [on] daily basis. But now the marble, the stone and all the rest, okay, we go up level there.”