Kolonos: The guilt of 14 out of 17 defendants suggested by the prosecutor for the 12-year-old case

The second trial for the 12-year-old’s case is under way and enters the final line by meeting behind closed doors. The bench prosecutor reportedly suggested that the 14 of the 17 defendants sitting on the court stand for the 12-year-old case in Cologne should be convicted. The prosecutor asked for the defendants to be found guilty of the offence of sexual acts with a minor for a fee and for one of them he asked to be found guilty of child pornography. For the remaining three he asked to be acquitted due to doubts. In total 18 defendants were indicted on the stand but one until the hearing began died. The first trial for this ghastly case was completed in April 2024 with the Athens Mixed Jury Court imposing on the main defendant, shopkeeper from Kolonos, the sentence of life imprisonment for the rape of the minor girl and additional 27 years for other offences including masquerades. On the basis of the court order, only Elias Michos and another co-defendant of him, the so-called “Michalis”, were taken to prison in order to serve their sentences while the rest were released until a verdict was handed down to a second degree.