Katerina Stanissi: “I filled them with the store and not even a doctor brought me, there’s no need”

The was found in the epicenter after the departures of Elijah British and Kelly Kelekidou from the nightclub that appeared. The 67-year-old singer interviewed without referring to her two colleagues. She talked about a number of difficulties she faced in previous years, but also about behaviors that disturbed her. In an interview with “Well” magazine and Panayiotis Vazeios, Katerina Stanissi spoke about how hard her profession is, describing an incident where she had to be absent from a night shop that appeared due to illness and what she heard after she returned. ADVERSE “It’s hard work to tell you again. I’ll tell you what. I was in Thessaloniki at a shop and all the staff as the musicians had caught the flu. We took out the program like so we wouldn’t hang the store. The next day I got stuck. I fell down in bed, my legs cut. He was one of those very heavy vultures,” Katerina Stanisi said and continued: “So I learned the next day that I didn’t go to the store to sing that everyone was swearing at me. They didn’t think I was getting sick too.” “They cursed me from the garsons to the shopkeeper. Ingratitude in our work a lot. I didn’t even get a call to say: “Katerina need something? A help, something?”, nothing! I was filling up their shop and they didn’t even bring a doctor. There’s no need. You see the store full of booze, a chair empty, they’ll come back and say it didn’t go well. These are the hard ones and you get heartbroken many times. “ Regarding the possibility of her life becoming a movie, Katerina Stansie replied days ago that she would not be negative under conditions: “I read so many artists’ books and they have done everything perfectly. I’d like my life to be a movie, but with my mistakes, to admit it. The story must be written unattended. Only if so, I turn it tomorrow,” he said.