Katerina New: “According to Danai Barka we were best friends, changed then when it didn’t interest her”

A reference to the relationship she maintained with made this morning (25.11.2024) through her show. On the occasion of an old prank that Iliana Papageorgiou had made to Helena Christopoulou, Katerina New remembered the prank that Dana Barka had made to her. “One such prank barka, another prophetic from there…” said Katerina New referring to their relationship that broke as did the relationship between Iliana Papageorgiou and Helena Christopoulou. “There are no these… they were on another show. She had been invited somewhere else. Prophetic too because she was told “your best friend Katerina” and she had not said “not best friend”. “Of course I will call her”, she said,” Super Katerina’s presenter filled in. “After you were not best friends,” commented Gregory Gudaras. “According to Barca (ed. we were) then, changed then when it did not interest her. Back then, I wasn’t called before they told me there was gonna be a prank. I was caught by surprise,” Katerina New replied.