Kate Gray: The video “order” that wanted to be played after death – “Thank the world except some”

An exclusive video had been taken by 1 year before she died, which she wanted to be published after her death. And so it was. The leading folk singer died at the age of 100 on Sunday (19.01.2025) and today Tuesday, her “thank you” message was released. The late singer had asked her journalist and friend, Nicos Nikoliza to film her a video, in which she will make the account of her life and thank her audience. He fully respected Kate Gray’s desire and gave the show “Truths with Xena” that video, 2 days after her death. CORVERSE In her account, Katie Gray spoke about her life, said she had difficult and happy moments. She also thanked the world, excluding some and stressed that she met both good and bad people on her way. “The life I chose had many pickles, but it also had more joys. I want to thank the whole world except some. In the life I’ve spent, I’ve met a lot of people good and bad. The world isn’t bad, we make him bad. We, with our evils and jealousy, are hurting the world against us. I had my bad ones and my bad ones. I want God to help the orphan children who suffer greatly. I suffered so much in my life. I lost my father. Like the whole world, I’ve had some good and bad times. I don’t care if Katie Gray stays in history. I want people to remember me with kindness. Of course, there are some people jealous who see all these bad times, not true. I want to say a big thank you to God, to people. The world is good, we make it bad for the world,” says Kate Gray in the video. CORVERSE Her funeral will take place on Wednesday, January 22, at the New Smyrna cemetery. As he had requested, there would be a folk pilgrimage from 12:00 to 15:00, while for the exodus he had taken care of every detail, from her dress to the musical accompaniment. According to her instructions, her friends and colleagues will honor her with two of her favorite songs, “Wound” and “Foreign Hands”, which highlighted her as one of the most important voices of her time.