Karystos: “My mother had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, fell and beat,” says her daughter 53 years old

“My mother had been diagnosed with schizophrenia” says in newsit.gr the 27-year-old daughter of the 53-year-old woman from whom she is currently being hospitalized in a critical state in the ER and is fighting to hold on to life. The 27-year-old daughter of the 53-year-old and 65-year-old speaks in newsit gr and describes the situation in which her mother has been in the last 27 years wishing to clarify all the inaccuracies and lies she has heard about her family and wants to hear the real situation that prevailed. CORVERSE “My mother had been taken to a neurologist, she had been in a mental hospital because for 27 years she had been diagnosed with schizophrenia and atrophy in the brain. We took her to a lot of doctors. He fell and struck and this everyone knew, so the woman was born.” As the 27-year-old argues, her mother’s health situation did not allow her to raise a child and that is why her uncles raised her. “My aunt and uncle called to raise me because my mother had a threatening attitude towards me. My mother didn’t know how to cook, she didn’t know how to wash, she didn’t know how to do anything because my wife had a problem and my father did it all to her. My father gave her the pills, fed her the spoon to eat,” says 27-year-old. CORVERSE As she says, the situation with her 53 – year – old mother was so difficult that her father was the only person who could care for her and as her mother’s illness essentially states it was the reason she deprived her family all those years. At the same time, she argues that her father could not hurt her mother. “My mother when my father met her was in a much worse situation, everyone knew, she didn’t know the time, she didn’t know how to count, she didn’t have clothes and she didn’t know the money. He recently learned the 10 euros and the 50s and learned a little an hour. She kept falling and beating even at the mental hospital she was tied up because she fell and hit and everyone knew that. My father never left her hungry as it was heard, it is a man who if he had 10 euros in pocket and was stopped by someone and asked him for money he would give him the five,” he claims and continues: “ Shame that they all come out and say such things about my father while they knew the truth. For me it was so hard to grow up without parents and they don’t even respect me with everything they come out and say. They set a purpose and they all became a team to eat my father It’s hard for me to see my mother in the ER and my father in handcuffs.” “It’s a lie my mother went to hospital for heavy beating” The 27-year-old gives her own explanation for the fact that relatives of her mother rushed to blame the 65-year-old, accusing him of being a brutal abuser. “The people who have been out talking to my mother’s relatives and have so condemned my father as a criminal do not tell the truth because that is not the case. These people do it all for money because all these years they lived by my father, they went there to get money, they took cheese, milk and slaughter,” he says. “Last year my mother went to hospital for heavy beating is really a lie and I can’t stand the injustice that happens. Last year my mother never went to the hospital. Last year and past he was injured. She had been found by people while my mother was in the animals and had been dropped and taken to the house where she lives that is not a corral as she was heard,” she notes and continues adding that among those relatives who speak negatively of her father there were other kinds of differences. “Those who came out and blamed my father had some real estate differences with him because all the estates that are many acres were indivisible and there were problems,” argues 27-year-old.