“Karfia” Kasselakis for top of SYRIZA in his book Karamanlis for the Nationals Will Samaras be present? Kotzias and Karistian talk to Syriza about PtD

Many “pins” against top executives of SYRIZA, with documents, I learn that he will have the book of President of the Republic Movement Stefanos Kasselakis entitled “Second Chance”. He turned on his phone and dusted it. He presents among other messages he traded with them. In fact he reveals the messages he wrote – he does not break the privacy of personal data by presenting their own. But it will be seen from the report of events, if one day they told him otherwise and the next they supported the opposite and undermined him. Of course everyone will have the right to deny what he writes by showing their own messages, as his close associate at NEWSIT says. But will they? They wonder. What he said and what he was collecting he wants to show and what he gained from this experience. Tsipras makes several references to Stefanos Kasselakis and Alexis Tsipras.. Most are milky. The book reaches 400 pages. He wrote it in English because he handles the language much better and then tries to translate it into Greek. As in most books, corrections were made to the publishing house “Pedios” to which it was already delivered. Bombs There’s no doubt he’ll drop bombs. Whether they’re megatons or molotovs will show up. The presentation will take place on January 16th at the War Museum. The cover has his face. He writes his name and down with a little larger letters “Second Chance”. “We break the bonds for the Greek Dream” he writes on the back cover. “And so begins a new journey into my life that I want to share with you. My entry into politics was a journey full of challenges, twists and substantial personal evolution.” He will also describe his vision of the Democracy Movement which is his second chance. As in America Many comments were made that Stefanos Kasselakis with about a year and a half in politics decided to write a book. Leaders and former prime ministers usually do so at the end of their political careers. The answer I got from his associates is that it is common in the US for politicians much more if they have the characteristics of the former president of Syriza who went through fire and iron. Karamanlis Former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis is expected to give a new speech on national issues. He will be the main speaker in the presentation of the book of Professor and former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for his Prime Minister, Giannis Valinakis. The title is “For a new strategy against Turkey” and is of the publications “I. Sideris”. The presentation will take place on January 20th at the War Museum at 6.30 p.m. Angel Syrigos from the NW, Michael Katrinis from PA.SO.K and the author will also speak. The aim of Giannis Valinakis is to present and evaluate “another, more effective in his opinion national strategy than today”. Samaras? I understand that the purpose of this event is not like that of June 2024 when the two former prime ministers Karamanlis and Samaras spoke on the occasion of Manolis Kottakis’ book with a harsh language on the policy pursued by the Mitsotakis government in the national and also on another series of issues (homophyle couples, money to the few, etc.). I looked to see if former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras will be present. The answer I got was that the event is open and no invitations will be sent. Anyone who wishes it can come in. And apparently the same goes for Antonis Samaras who might be interested in the subject and the Karamanlis speech. Angry otherwise after his removal from the Southwest by Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the former prime minister does not speak to many. The “holds” still for the “samarians” who voted for the arrangement for the marriage of same-sex couples and for those who and those who criticized him for the extreme attack he launched against the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of whom he called for the expulsion leaving sharps on dividends. As regards the astrological approach according to Christos Douvlis (Parapolitika 90.1) Antonis Samaras has a one-digit success rate for 2025 but the first quarter favors him if he wants to do something… Sakellaropoulou is retreating To be clear at the moment no one knows the real intentions of the Prime Minister in terms of the name she will propose for the Presidency of the Republic. From the talks he has made with ministers and partners whom he always listens to and shares his concerns, it seems that Katerina Sakellaropoulos’ re-election brings less chances than a few days ago. Venizelos earns points The Achilles heel in her choice of face is the arrangement for same-sex couples which she applauded with her presence at a party with government ministers. Fifty ND MPs did not vote for it and 20 of them voted against it (the rest abstained). It is estimated that most of the 20 – if not all 20 – are hard to get their vote back now because they will have to apologize to their voters for changing their mind. The cohesion of KO remains a priority of Kyriakos Mitsotakis without this meaning that it will result in a safe solution such as the case of Parliament Speaker Costas Tasoulas who would be voted for by all MPs of the NW but not by other parties. I’ll write it again. I hear the name of Evangelos Venizelos more and more. The objections that some Karamanlics may have are few since, for example, Euripidis Stylianidis or George Vlachos were ministers in the Samara – Venizelos government. Of course Samaras and PASOK will vote for him. Decision time In Metsovo they waited for the Prime Minister and his family but for Milan he flew for a short day vacation at the invitation of his friends. Coming back probably next week, after the Lights, he’ll say the name. It’s been a long nomenclature. Kotzias After the Lights the Political Secretariat of Syriza will meet. The view that dominates Koumoundurus is that it should not wait for Mitsotakis but propose a person from the wider progressive space. Katerina Sakellaropoulou would not vote for her again because she believes she was silent on matters of rule of law, on the tragedy of the Tempes etc. Two names are heard, by Maria Karystian of the association of relatives of the victims of the Tembes and his former Foreign Minister Alexis Tsipras, Nikos Kotzias who seem to gather the most possibilities if he accepts. With the head of “Pratto” the president of Syriza Socrates Famelos had met in Koumoundour, on Christmas Eve. A Karistian or Kotzia nomination would make Kasselakis difficult. They would hardly be voted on by the five Members of the Movement for Democracy in parliament. In Kalamata A … interparty event takes place today in Kalamata. They present the book of the University of Nikolaos Apostolopoulos and Sotiris Apostolopoulos “European policies of sustainability in the countryside”, at 18:30 p.m., at the Hotel “REX”: Pantelis Sklias – Professor, Rector of Neapolis University Pafos, Miltos Chrysomallis – MP of New Democracy, Paul Geroulanos, first parliamentary representative of PASOK and Panayiotis Liargovas – President of KEPE, Professor of the University of Peloponnese. The rapporteur and coordinator of the presentation will be Dimitris Petropoulos, Dean of the University of Peloponnese.