Josephine: Reactions to the fee given to her to sing playback in Agrinio

Controversies in about the appearance she made or, above all, about the money she was given to sing playback. Residents and city bodies are talking about a result less than expected. There is talk of a fee of 20,000 euros, with the singer not being placed, after the reactions of the last few days. Josephine along with the Alcatrash were found in Agrinio last December, for the great Christmas concert in the city center. However, the popular singer did not sing live but playback, resulting in a disturbance on Agrinio’s city council, as Mega’s show “Buongiorno” broadcast on Wednesday morning, February 5. CORVERSE As revealed, Josephine even got a fee of 20,000 euros to sing playback, which brought controversy to the City Council. “It was playback, concert without orchestra. A concert that gave us a negative impression. He was negatively commented by too many people,” stressed Agriniou, Panagiotis Kapsalis. “The only thing we kept high was the cost, the quality result you offered the city was far below what we expected,” added Agrinio city councillor, Panagiotis Kapsalis.