With the apology of the former commander of the Single Coordinating Centre for Operations, Ioannis Fostieris, continued today the Trimel Court of Defects of Athens for the murder case. The accused defended the actions of the fire brigade on that crucial day and said that “by means we had done everything we could”. The defendant admitted however that on that day of July 23, 2018 they had no real picture of events in real time. CORVERSE At the same time, Mr Fostieris also defended the leadership’s decision to divert the helicopter he was attempting in the Dau region towards motor oil. Regarding the rescue of the citizens who were at sea, the defendant said: “I am not a politician. I’m a fireman. The floating boats couldn’t go rescue people who were at sea. It’s what I say some things happen and some things don’t happen.” In any case, the former ESRK commander stressed that after Matty actions have been taken by the State to address any weaknesses. With regard to the organised removal, the defendant stressed that it could not be done because there was danger. ‘ We wanted people to burn? For God’s sake. I should go kill myself now… We’re on the sixth floor. Everything we could and was humanly possible we did. All levels and in the field. At eight o’clock we learned about the first dead. That’s where I was informed from 199 for the first time. I couldn’t tell the chief he drove the world away… I have no real picture in real time and no executive authority,” said the defendant specifically. President: So people were doomed as you tell us. Accused: I can’t say that either. There was environmental deregulation. People had learned to live there. Fires all went alongside Marathon Avenue. Well or wrongly it was predicated that at some point this disaster will occur.”
John Fostier at the trial for the fire in Matty: “With the means we had done all we could – Eight rather than learned about the first dead”
in Greece