John Bezos for his daughter Hero Bezu: I’m her father, I’m not her friend

‘ I did my self-criticism as a father and apologized to my daughter. I was not present as much as I should have in mind” he admitted for his daughter, . Giannis Bezos was hosted on the show of Niki Lyberaki in Mega and spoke about his daughter, Iro Bezou, but also about a number of other topics, with his own characteristic style. “I was and am a normal father. I did my self-criticism as a father and apologized to my daughter. I wasn’t as present as I should have been according to what I had in mind. This was because of work and not because I wanted to. Everything I did didn’t need, it’s just a lot of times you get the flow of work. Still nothing special happened. I’m her father. I’m neither her friend nor anything else. I will always be there for her but above her I have never been and never will be.” “There was no way my daughter would deal with anything other than acting. From a very young age, he talked about it. This work has the charm of the unknown”, completed by Giannis Bezos. “I don’t say anything special, I say what we all accept but often we don’t confess. When you say something, it comes with a responsibility to take over. Everyone shouldn’t like you with what you say. If everyone likes you, it is suspicious,” said Giannis Bezos about his lines that often become viral and subject to commentary. “In our country we do not want to accept our mistakes, we see this daily. I was sure we wouldn’t change. The political system says nothing. There was the illusion that we would return to the pre-2009 era, that that was normality. No, this system was abnormal,” the actor points out. “When I entered politics, I did not aspire to become a politician. We entered 10-12 years ago with the logic of helping the situation, which was very tense. I didn’t regret it, I just saw you couldn’t even help them. The parties have one of their own perspectives, horizontally,” says Giannis Bezos for the time when he was actively involved in the political scene. “I would do it again if I had an interesting proposal, but not to gain anything. I’m not interested in office, I’m full of it all. But if I could help with something, I would gladly do it,” he admits features. “TV has nothing to do with theatre. The theater isn’t everyone’s, it’s not for everyone to go out and make fun of. There’s no chance of one in a million. Those with the roles given to those who have many followers are ferociousness, nonsense, I have not seen it happen,” comments Giannis Bezos in another part of the conversation.