Jennifer Aniston: She was impressed with bikinis in Mexico at 55 years old

Or she appeared with Mexico, with the paparazzi who followed her every step, focusing on her for a shot and a photograph. Hollywood star has explained her efforts to keep her body at the level she wants. The photographic lens immortalized in Mexico the beloved actress of the “Friends” more renewed than ever, enjoying moments of relaxation with her bikini, leaving her gymnastic body in plain view. Jennifer Aniston at 55 is kept in full form. CORVERSE She has talked about the wellness routine that follows, saying she follows the rule “80/20”, 80% healthy life and 20% overnight, junk food and fun. Jennifer Aniston at 55, appeared in plain view with a hot pink triangular top and a blue bottom, as her company hung out in a luxury pool. Jennifer Aniston completed her resort-chic ensemble with aviator-type sunglasses, leaving her hair wavy falling over her shoulders. “You have to live your life. Unbound – except for hard drugs,” explained Jennifer Aniston. “Eighty percent healthy life and then 20 percent is: go have a martini, go eat your pizza and burgers and spend the night with your friends. There is a balance.” CORVERSE According to Jennifer Aniston, “strength training is the most important thing for women in their 50s”, because “if you lose muscles, your bones become fragile”, which “may lead to osteoporosis”. “We fall, break a hip and start the problem,” he said, adding that “we must love our body, which does the best that it can”. See this post on Instagram. “I’m really trying to work on the hygiene of my sleep,” Aniston confessed, noting that “she tries a lot to put herself in bed during the week at 10 p.m., close everything and then just sit there and let people collapse.” “I try not to think I’m growing up. I try not to think about age. The people around us will always be there and tell us what is right about our age and what women should do in society… when you are one or the other.”