It’s a mess with this seasoning! The juice is equivalent to 60 minutes in the gym

The more they learn, the researchers for the healing properties of turmeric, the more it grows the interest about this spice…
There are over 5,000 studies on the beneficial properties of this root for the treatment of cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and depression that can compare well in efficiency with the drugs.
The most recent study on turmeric found that taking a teaspoon of it daily has the ability to reduce the risk of heart attack just as effectively as three workouts of 60 minutes per week in the gym.
Details of the study
The research lasted 8 weeks and volunteered for 32 women after the menopause divided into three groups, a group exercise, a second receiving turmeric without exercise, and a third control group, there was no change in diet or exercise. The researchers evaluated the endothelium (the inner lining of blood vessels) of each woman, using an ultrasound device. More specifically, they measured the arterial dilation through the flow, for the assessment of the arterial elasticity, which determines the health of the blood vessels (1).
When the group receiving turmeric consumed 1 teaspoon of turmeric a day, the exercise group did aerobic exercise, 2-3 times a week plus some time at home with the program that they had been given, such as cycling and walking. Each session lasted 30-60 minutes with the intensity of the effort varies between 60-75% of maximum heart rate.
The researchers found that the group receiving turmeric and the team that worked out significantly improved function of the endothelium. In addition, the results were almost identical, demonstrating that the daily consumption of turmeric have the same effect with daily exercise to prevent, reduce or perhaps even reverse endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis.
The findings are not a surprise
The study was inspired by another 2012 study, university of Chiang Mai of Thailand has found that turmeric could reduce the likelihood of heart attack after bypass coronary artery in 56%.
It took just 9 days of daily shooting of turmeric for these effects, taking 3 days before surgery and then another 5 days after the surgery. The spice that affects the cardiovascular system by regulating the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), MDA (plasma maondialdehyde) and NT-proBNP νατριουρητικών peptide (2).
The Thai researchers concluded that: “The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of κουρκουμινοειδών may be responsible for the cardioprotective effect presented in this study … the κουρκουμινοειδή reduce the proinflammatory cytokines cytokines during cardiopulmonary surgery bypass and reduce the appearance καρδιομυοκιτικής apoptosis after cardiac ισχαιμίκή injury / reperfusion in experimental animals.” In simple words, the turmeric had the ability to reduces inflammation and protects endothelial cells from damage and death (3).
If you want to take advantage of the benefits of the turmeric in the heart, all you need to do is consume one teaspoon of turmeric powder, or to drink a glass of fresh-squeezed juice turmeric on a daily basis. For best results, you should mix the turmeric with coconut oil or olive oil and black pepper. (Read the related article: Increase the Absorption of Turmeric by the Body!)
If you don’t like the taste of turmeric, you can also make your own supplements of turmeric (capsules). Here you can read the recipe. Just make sure you don’t take them with other medicines.
It is important to remember that just because you consume turmeric, it doesn’t mean that you don’t need to exercise and exercise. You need to exercise at least 30 minutes a day to stay in shape and be healthy.
*The information contained in the they have informative nature and cannot replace the advice of your physician. If you decide to follow some diet and treatment ask your personal doctor. Our articles are accompanied by the sources and scientific publications.