It may not fill the eye but filled the stomach. These are the most satiating foods that are not fattening

Ideal way to lose excess weight is through exercise…
and nutrition. And if the first required a great deal of determination and… procrastination at the same time, for the second is not required, no trouble at all.
The only thing you need to do is to choose foods that have few calories, but at the same time will not let you hungry.
See five such foods:
To reduce the total calories and at the same time your hunger, put more soup in the schedule σαςι. Dr. Barbara Rolls, professor of nutritional sciences at the university of Penn State has studied the role of the “large volume of water” in the diet in relation to the feeling of fullness and weight loss. The research showed that when people are consuming a first course of soup before a main meal, reduce the total calorie intake by 20%, compared with those who do not eat soup.
If you want to consume fewer calories and feel less hungry throughout the day, start your day with eggs. The high-quality protein in eggs helps you to feel full and alert, something that helps to maintain a healthy weight. In a study published in the scientific journal Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers found that eating eggs for breakfast helped overweight adults feel more full and consume an average of 330 calories less throughout the day than adults who ate an egg for breakfast.
A study by the University of California, Berkeley, analyzed six years of statistical and other data on the diet of the average person and found that people who ate breakfast had a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who stayed almost hungry in the morning. In addition, those who ate cereal with oats, had a lower BMI than any other type of breakfast meal.
An apple has about 75 calories and 3.5 grams of water soluble fiber. Research published in the scientific journal Appetite, showed that women who added three small apples in their diet each day lost a little bit of at least 1 kg in 10 weeks earlier in comparison with other women who followed the same basic diet without to eat apples. Apples contain ursolic acid, a natural ingredient that is believed to enhance its fat burning and increases muscle mass.
Do you think that a diet should not even touch it? Wrong! The truth is, nuts have been shown in many studies that help people lose weight.
Although they have a lot of calories in fat (mostly “good” fats), protein, and fiber they contain makes you feel full and reduce significantly the sudden desire for a snack in the day.
The best way to eat nuts is with a glass of water. The volume the water adds to the stomach in combination with the slow digestion of the nuts make a perfect combination.