It comes six months – fire what are the dates – stations meeting Seraphim, Dorotheou and Justin with Vorides – Mylonaki what about Tobacco?

The political scene becomes increasingly explosive focusing on the national tragedy of the Tempes where 57 people, aged 19-25, were lost in their majority. PASOK announced yesterday suddenly that it would proceed with a request for a Pre-Interrogation Committee against the then Deputy Minister of Prime Minister Christos Triantopoulos. He asks that any criminal responsibilities he has be investigated to alter the place of the Tempe tragedy, from 3/3/2023 onwards. So he’s accused of giving orders to get in. PASOK invokes the case-file of 15.7.2024 which contains the finding of Prosecutor of Appeals Larissa. He also leaves points against the former Speaker of the Parliament Costas Tasoulas and President of the Republic candidate for withholding evidence and abandons the Prime Minister because he “does not withdraw him from the election process of the PTD after such self-evident anti-institutional methods”. Front with Mitsotakis “We take initiatives to keep the tragedy of the Tembes in the news, we move on to frontlines with the government by submitting a request for preliminary questioning for Triantopoulos and we insist on a motion of censure against Kyriakos Mitsotakis who, while not telling the truth, remains Prime Minister,” he told the NEWSIT source of Harilaou Trikoupi. And the questions he asks are: Who instructed Mr Triantopoulos to undertake coordination for the “restore of the field” after the tragedy? Where and why is Mr Mitsotakis hiding his close associate? Yes, from the ND The government expects the proposal for Prerogation against Triantopoulos and will study the reasoning. The prime minister has stated that he is open to facilitate Justice in every way and will apparently consent to Pre-interrogation not because he anticipates the vice-minister’s guilt but to throw the shadow of cover over him. “Conspiracy theories are that the bust was done with deceit,” government spokesman Paul Marinakis stressed in “Sky”. Dates – fire From the day of the application for Pre-interrogation, the chairman of the parliament Nikitas Kaklamanis will have to wait seven days under the regulation, for the possibility that three judges will submit the request to check the reliability of the indictment. No party has made use of this right until now. Invitation After the 7 days, within two weeks the debate on Pre-interrogation in the House plenary should be scheduled. That is to say, it will take place on the third 10th of February, on the eve of the new call for demonstrations by the relatives of the victims on 28 February, two years after the train crash. The call will be made through social media as last time, when hundreds of thousands flooded the streets in 178 cities of Greece and abroad with a central slogan “I have no oxygen”. On February 12, the election of Kostas Tasoulas to the Presidency of the Republic will be preceded by the heavy climate and PASOK attempts to put him in the frame of cover. Motion of censure Pre-interrogation is likely to last five to six months. A multitude of witnesses will be called and it will be decided whether Triantopoulos will be referred to a Special Court. Government sources pointed out yesterday at NEWSIT that it would appear who has arguments and who is making raw accusations. With the publication of the findings of the Polytechnic and the Organisation for the Investigation of Air and Transport Accidents by February 27, PASOK will also proceed to a motion of censure against the Prime Minister on the occasion of what he said in his interview with Alpha. The ND does not intend to turn it into a trust proposal as reported sources of Maximus at NEWSIT, although such suggestions exist. The motion of censure is placed in March. The other news is that the government does not intend to hold a debate before the day and discuss a motion of censure. He’ll call the parties on the left to choose. The right hand of the Lord Today at 12 noon, the Metropolitans Piraeus Seraphim, Syros, Tinos, Andros, Kea, Milos, Delos and Mykonos Dorotheos and New Krini and Kalamaria Justin meet in Maximos with Minister of State Makis Voridis and the Deputy Minister despite Prime Minister George Mylonakis who maintains close relations with Piraeus. The meeting takes place following the Prime Minister’s tetanus with Archbishop Jerome. Re-approach At the centre will be projects to exploit church grounds that could be granted for building social housing for young and weak and demands by the Church for tax reductions. The government has its ears open to hear the Church. The initiative of cooperation is another step towards the flock removed from the South because it reacted to the arrangement for the marriage of same-sex couples. The Mitsotakis statement has preceded that “there are two sexes, male and female, as biology dictates” and channels opened. What about Smokey? Many discussions are held about the relations of Stefanos Kasselakis with the director of his political office Manolis Kapnisakis. He was close to him since he was elected president of SYRIZA. Several talk about a crisis in relations between the two and others about “change of roles in the Republic Movement”. Both sides converge on the fact that Smokeysakis will not be the director of the political office of the President of the Republic Movement for much longer. Sources argue that he is charged with having no good relations with executives and made wrong estimates that played a role in the fall Kasselakis. Without Kapnisakis, however, no one knows where Kasselakis would arrive.