Israel: Criminal Investigation Against Sarah Netanyahu, Prime Minister’s Wife · Global Voices

A criminal investigation “has begun at her expense, ” the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, became known by his prosecution in a letter sent today (02.02.2025) to an opposition MP who had requested prosecution. The prosecution does not specify the nature of the case against Sarah Netanyahu, who is currently in the US. However, the Labour Party of Israel MP, Naama Lazimi, accuses her of attempting to bribe a witness in the trial for corruption of her husband, following a journalistic investigation aired in December by a private television network. CORVERSE This “notification (…) is important for parliamentary control, the judicial system and the rule of law”, she wrote shortly after a message to H Naama Lazimi. “I will not silence, I will not yield and I will not allow this case to be buried. Justice will be done, we will see that it is done,” he wrote. The MP released her letter to justice, following a survey of the Ouvda research show on television network 12, where it was confirmed that Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife had attempted to intimidate a witness on her own husband. CORVERSE In this show, sound material was presented where Netanyahu is reportedly heard while asking her husband’s assistant, who has since died, to harass and conduct a negative social media campaign against her husband’s opponents and especially against Handa Klein, one of the main witnesses of the trial against the Israeli Prime Minister. In December, the head of the Israeli government first testified during his corruption trial. He described “scoffs” the charges against him.