Salos has erupted in social media with one in TikTok that displays her holding a doll – baby in her hands and treating her in such a way that she refers to torture rather than infant care. The video with Irene Murjuku lasts a minute and four seconds, while it has not yet been verified when it has been taken and who has posted it on TikTok. CORVERSE The visual material that has been posted is from a live conversation that the 24-year-old had with another person and imprints her holding in her hands a doll – baby, which cries. The woman whose name is involved in the pre-interrogation conducted by Homicide for the death of the five children in Patras and Amaliada tries, as you will see in the video to “dude” the… baby with acts that shock. CORVERSE She often shouts at the doll to shut up, while with her hands she constantly pushes her face. All of this, while crying baby constantly is heard, while Murjuku seems to laugh at the testimony, in which she submits the doll, as well as having fun. This video has angered TikTok users, who with their messages turn against Peace Murjuku. “Children represent how she did it and they still have it outside,” says one of the platform users. While someone else writes: “They must intervene quickly for the video, killer”.
Irene Murjukou: Video Salos in TikTok showing her abuse doll – baby and fun
in Greece