Into force of the decision for the διακοψιμότητα electricity

Published in the Government Gazette (no. sheet 2861) the ministerial decree on types and content of…
Contracts, consisting of intermittent illumination Load Electricity (διακοψιμότητα).
It is recalled that the διακοψιμότητα will enable energy intensive industries to be interrupted for specific periods of operation, thereby reducing the overall demand for electricity, in exchange for discounts in the price of the high-voltage power-consuming, are less of a burden on the system and will avoid risks relating to the stability of the.
With the decision of the minister of Environment and Energy, Panos Skourletis, published in the official GAZETTE, regulating the implementation details of the Service, consisting of intermittent illumination Load (ΥΔΦ), the categories of consumers entitled to draw up Contracts, consisting of intermittent illumination Load, the conditions of training, the reasons for activation of the Service, consisting of intermittent illumination Load, the mode identification and the mode, time and conditions of payment of the financial compensation of the parties in these consumers, the recovery by the System Administrator of the amounts paid as financial compensation and established the type and the minimum content of Contracts consisting of intermittent Load that enters into the Independent Manager of Electricity Transmission (admie s. a) (“the System Administrator”) with consumers.
The admie s. a may enter into contracts for the provision of Services Διακόψιμου Load for a total interruptible power less than or equal to 1GW per type ΥΔΦ. For each type of ΥΔΦ the system administrator carry out the auction.
In particular, for the first auction of the Service, consisting of intermittent illumination Load, the total interruptible power cannot exceed 500 MW by type of ΥΔΦ and the duration of the contracts, consisting of intermittent illumination load is one month.
The course of the next few of the first auction of contracts is to be determined by the administrator of the system, while the details of carrying out of auction are specified by the system administrator with the Rule to Tender to provide a Service consisting of intermittent Load, which shall draw up and make public the same.
A prerequisite of consumer participation in the auctions is the entry in the Register, consisting of intermittent illumination of a Load held by the admie s. a.
The total amount to be allocated through the auction is 50 million. euro, while the repayment will be done through the end-of-supply, which will be paid for by the producers of RES, with different rates for each technology, while excluding fully solar roofs.