Interview poll: 7 out of 10 agree with deletion Samara – In front of 27.2% ND, 7th SYRIZA under the Kasselakis party

Almost two weeks after the former Prime Minister was removed from the Southwest, Politic records the “print” of this development in Piraeus’s party. Seven out of ten ND voters agree with Antonis’ deletion Samara, while according to the Interview poll more moderate are the voters of the other parties, as 48% agree and 44% disagree. At the same time, ND maintains its lead with a marginally increased lead of 27.2%, as it is favored by the fragmentation of the opposition, PASOK with 15.7% emerges second parliamentary power with 31 MPs versus 29 SYRIZA and passes into the position of the main opposition after 15 years. Vertical fall for SYRIZA, in historical low and specifically in 7th place, with 4.3% below both the parties of Kyriakos Velopoulos and Venus Latinopoulou and the new party of the former president of Stefanos Kasselakis, who is in search of a Parliamentary Group. More detailed: New Democracy: 27.2% (from 25%) PASOK – Movement of Change: 15.7% (from 13.1%) Greek Solution: 8.5% (from 7.1%) KKE: 8.0% Voice of Logic: 7.0% (from 6%) Democracy Movement (Casselakis): 7% SYRIZA: 4.3% (from 6.6%) Freedom Release: 3.5% (from 3.8%) NIC: 3.0% (from 4.4%) MERA25: 3% (from 3.5%) New Left: 2.5% (from 3%) I haven’t decided: 7.5% (from 14.5%) Mitsotakis keeps the reins in fitness In the political leaders’ popularity, Kyriakos Mitsotakis leads, and even both Prime Minister and Nikos Androulakis show an increase in their percentages compared to last month’s survey (K. Mitsotakis 39% from 34.6% and N. Androulakis 26% from 24.6%). In the appropriateness “Nobody” (45%) is first in relation to the presidents of the first two parties. Mr. Mitsotakis is at 40% and Mr. Androuliakis is well below 15%. The return of Tsipras Although Alexis Tsipras was 15 years at the helm of SYRIZA and after leaving he emerged deeply introversion to the party that led to splits and movements, almost 7 out of 10 respond that a possible return to active politics would not cause a change in the political scene. Amphitheater The current cost-of-life crisis involving accuracy, high energy prices and low wages continue to be stable in the first trinity with the country’s biggest problems that afflict citizens. The five supplement demographic and national issues. However, there is a tendency to optimism about the country’s progress. Although most feel that the country is moving in the wrong direction (61%), as opposed to the 36% it considers to be moving in the right direction, the corresponding pessimism rate (72%) has been declining since August, and the rate of optimism (from 25% in August to 36% in November).