Interlife: At 3.387 percent of Cyproman Services

At 3,387% the percentage of Cypriot Cyproman Services was reduced to , according to today’s (31.12.2024) announcement. In particular, Interlife’s communication: In accordance with the provisions of Law 3556/2007, INTERLAIF S.A., as applicable, informs the investment public that the company under the name Cyproman Services Limited, legally represented, with a registered office in Nicosia, Cyprus, in its capacity as Trustee of The Panayi Partners Settlement Deed, notified the Company on 30/12/2024 that on 20/12/2024 it allocated 331.217 common nominal shares after voting rights up to 1,784 % of the total voting rights of the Company. The percentage of voting rights held by Cyproman Services Limited, in its capacity as Trustee of The Panayi Partners Settlement Deed, due to this mood, was 5,17 % to 3,387%.