Intensity between doctors and Adoni Georgiades at the hospital “G. Gennimatas” at an event by Matina Pagoni

“Fire and fury” became part of the staff, including doctors, in “G. Gennimatas” where the Minister of Health gave the “present” for the annual cutting of the pie. Their strong reaction was voiced by doctors and nurses due to the presence of Adoni Georgiades at the hospital, who was organized by Matina Pagoni, the coordinator of the third pathology. CORVERSE Specifically, in a video he posted by attending social media, the voices and intense reactions of doctors addressed to the Minister of Health are heard, telling him to “make a round in the rooms to see what prevails”. Another issue they raised, in high tons, doctors were ranjas in hospitals, a chronic problem, as Adonis Georgiades admitted. CORVERSE The video hears Adoni Georgiades’ contradiction with a doctor going as follows: Speak with respect. Doctor: We’re in rags and you’re calling us a coalition of misery. A.C.: Leave communism outside, wear a white shirt. I’m a Communist, antarchya, even worse. A.C.: Even worse, I know, I know you’re a communist. But here we are New Democracy, we were voted by the people, not you. Us, not you! And I repeat today I’m here to cut pizza, to stop the communists on me. Doctor: Are we forbidden to be communists? A.C.: In my system yes, in yours no. If you ruled me, you’d forbid me not to be that’s the difference between us. Junta is communism. I don’t want any lessons from you. You’ll show respect. Doctors: Respect wants people in here who suffer, respect for them. The majority don’t want you in here.