Indonesia: 16 dead and 6 missing from deadly floods and landslides on Sumatra Island

Rescuers recovered 16 dead under tons of mud after hitting Sumatra Island. At least 6 more people are missing, according to the competent authorities. Of the flooding during the weekend (23.11.2024 – 24.11.2024) in Indonesia, rivers overflowed, destroying four mountain areas in the province of North Sumatra, drifting houses and destroying rural areas. Police officers, soldiers and rescuers used excavators, agricultural machinery, but also their hands to search the rubble for any missing persons in the Semagat Gunung region, of the Caro district, said Juspri M. Nadeak, head of the local disaster management agency. Rescuers recovered six bodies from two houses and a cottage, which were destroyed after a landslide late Sunday night. Four people are missing, including two children. Flooding and landslides have left at least 16 dead and several missing in mountainside villages of Sumatra on Monday. Rescuers used excavators, farm equipment, and bare hands to swift through the ruble. — Newsweek (@Newsweek) Rescuers recovered two bodies from a river, as the sudden flooding lured at least 10 homes and caused damage to about 150 villages in the South Tapanuli regency, according to Putut Mahuri, head of the local disaster management agency. Four more people were found dead in the Deli Serdang area, while rescuers seek two people who were swept away by the waters and their luck is missing. Dozens of people were injured by the landslides while more than 321 acres of agricultural land and plantations were destroyed. A landslide in the village of Harang Joulu destroyed several homes, Mustari, head of the local search and rescue service, said. On Saturday night, rescuers recovered the remains of a four – member family, between the two children, while at least three people were rescued. National television networks showed scenes with relatives mourning, as they watched rescuers recover bodies covered with mud from a room in a buried house in Harang Joulu village. Seasonal rains often cause flooding and landslides in Indonesia, where millions of people live in mountainous areas and near flood plains. In December 2023, 12 people were lured from the lake Toba after heavy rains that caused flooding and landslides in North Sumatra. One of them was spotted dead, while the other 11 are still missing!